Friday, February 20, 2015

I would have most of the classes that we take now because i beieve what we are learning righ now will be useful in my life later on. However i woul have no homework and you would recieve a grade on ur test

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Copy and past these over to your blog and tell me a little about yourself. If you have a picture or two that might represent one of your answers make sure to include it.

My favorite food: pizza
Foods I'd like to avoid:
My favorite things to learn: biology
My favorite color:red
My best friends are: micheal dillon dylan carter
My favorite games to play: candy crush
My favorite books: To kill a mockingbird
My favorite movies or TV shows: walking dead
My favorite holiday: christmas
Things I do well: run
Things I need to practice more: study
My favorite place to go: mexico
My favorite family activities:
My favorite thing to do outside:
My favorite chore: clean my room
My least favorite chore:take out the trash
What I want to be when I grow up: computer programmer
A place I want to visit: new zealand
My favorite part of the year: summer
My favorite part of each day: sleeping

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blog Post of the Day:

Color can convey a lot of emotion when it comes to designing anything from a product to a website to an advertisement to a logo and so much more. What do you think the importance of colors on a website are? What is a color scheme and why is it important to have when designing? Explain any thoughts you might have around color in design.

The colors a website or product can display multiple things about the product or website. Most professional websites have a white back ground color with other colors withing the website. You want a color that is easy on the eyes for your background to make it look more professional. You want a color scheme to match the content in your website so that the user has no contradicting thoughts. Color scheme is very important when you are building a website to maintain professionalism. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Think about the quote above. What does this mean to you? How could this apply to your life? How could this apply to your school work (especially Web Design!)?  I would love to give you less work in class if it meant you were going to focus harder on the work. Do you think you would get more out of it? Would that work for you? Why or why not?
I think this quote means that its quality over quantity. It is saying that you should focus on the work you have and not try to do a lot of bad work. I could apply this to webdesign when we are coding by making just one really good website.  I don't think I would get as much out of a little bit of work but i also wont get a lot out of a lot of work, because I would just do the little bit of work as fast as i could along with alot of work so i wont really learn from it. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Over the weekend I slept in on Saturday then helped out at a wrestling tournament a the school

Friday, February 6, 2015

What's the coolest thing you've learned in this class so far this year? Now that you have a little knowledge, what do you want to learn that you don't know how to do yet?

One of the coolest things I've learned is how to make a website. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Tell me all about your Sweetheart weekend (even if you sat at home on the couch!). Include photos!

Over the weekend i had a wrestling tournament and i went to sweetheart. Sweetheart didn't go too well because I completely missed my pictures because of my wrestling tournament. Other then that it was a good night. On Sunday I had a rec basketball game that my team won.